10, RMS Queen Elizabeth, The Beautiful Lady. For the purpose of this list, they have been included as Cunard ships. WebThe National Records of Scotland holds agreements and crew lists under the reference BT 3, covering 1867-1913, for Scottish ships only. This is not given in the Merchant seaman registers 1835-1857 until 1854. WebThe Cunard - White Star Liner QUEEN ELIZABETH 1938 - 1972 LIVERPOOL SHIPS ACCRA OF 1947 ELDER DEMPSTER LINES AUREOL ELDER DEMPSTER LINES BRITANNIC and GEORGIC CUNARD WHITE STAR CARINTHIA CUNARD LINE EMPRESS OF BRITAIN CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESS OF CANADA LOSS BY FIRE Seesection 7.2. It was out of the question for the Elizabeth to sail up to John Brown's shipyard at Clydebank, so it was planned to ferry men and equipment out to the liner as she lay at anchor off the Tail of the Bank. The QUEEN ELIZABETH alongside the quay at Cherbourg. During the turnround in New York on her second G.I. Tung and contained much well looked after second hand tonnage within its fleet. sails up the Hudson (the North River) to her berth at Pier 90. A skilled craftsman working on the QUEEN ELIZABETH earned just 3.2s.0d for a 47-hour work. The, After disembarking the U.S. troops at Sydney on 6th April 1942, the QUEEN ELIZABETH remained in port for thirteen days before sailing for Fremantle on 19th April. In January 1957 the Cunard Line announced that it had carried 275,500 passengers across the Atlantic in 1956, an increase of 16,500 over its 1955 carryings. CPO. He wrote in his private diary: Towards the end of June 1936, in reply to a question in the House of Commons, the Chancellor Neville Chamberlain said: Early in July 1936 Stephen Piggot (the managing director of John Brown) wrote to Sir Percy Bates saying that Yard No.535 had been reserved for the new ship. An alternative site was found at Fort Lauderdale in Florida. The crossing from New York to Cherbourg - 3,195 miles - was made in 4 days 13 hours and 6 minutes at an average speed of 29.29 knots. [15] Another factor prompting Queen Elizabeth's departure was the necessity to clear the fitting-out berth at the shipyard for the battleship HMSDuke of York,[15] which was in need of its final fitting-out. with U.S. troops on a G.I. The two ships' real potential had yet to be appreciated. A signal for assistance was sent and - within the hour - the company, port and salvage officials were on board and in conference with Captain Ford. Suddenly there was a crash of breaking timbers and No.552, on her own volition, started on her un-named journey towards the Clyde. The passage time to Nassau would be 39 hours each way, giving passengers almost two full days there. WebThe National Records of Scotland holds agreements and crew lists under the reference BT 3, covering 1867-1913, for Scottish ships only. Log books were deposited after each foreign voyage, or half-yearly for home trade ships. The QUEEN ELIZABETH left Gourock for the last time as a troopship on 7th August 1945, flying flags which spelled out: 'Many thanks. Cunard's finances were in a very strong state whilst those of White Star were very poor. In late 1968, Queen Elizabeth was sold to the Elizabeth Corporation, with 15% of the company controlled by a group of Philadelphia businessmen and 85% retained by Cunard. A few muster rolls survive in other record series. Shuttle. WebFirst time the Queen Mary carried American troops (8,398 troops, 905 crew). GGA Image ID # 1d3776ba5f. The QUEEN ELIZABETH sailing from Southampton. It took about an hour to manoeuvre the ship's head downstream towards the sea and gradually a crowd of several hundred gathered to watch the QUEEN ELIZABETH slip quietly, almost furtively, by. However, war was declared just twelve days later. at Southampton which was specially constructed for the 'Queens'. To a post-war Britain she was to become what the, The QUEEN ELIZABETH left Southampton on 30th March 1946 and arrived and anchored off Greenock the following day. The loyalty that she was given by her crew, the lifeblood of any ship, was reflected in the service given to her passengers who patronised the ship in vast numbers time and time again. [13] Cunard's plan was for the ship to be launched in September 1938, with fitting-out intended to be complete for the ship to enter service in the spring of 1940. A group of the Purser's staff in the Tourist Purser's cabin. The dock would have to be 124 feet wide at its entrance and have a minimum depth of 40 feet. The railway company expressed the view that the projected dry dock could not be started for some eight to ten years and that it would take between four and five years to complete. The result brightened up the ship considerably after the years of drabness. First Armored Infantry Division (15,125 troops, 863 crew). Further details of available sources are described in: In 1747, following an Act of Parliament, a fund for the relief of disabled seamen was set up, using money taken from seamens wages. Note: Largest ship built to date. Most types of crew lists and agreements give brief details about the ship, its master and voyages at the date of being filed together with the following information for each crew member: Image of a ships crew list and agreements 1861 (catalogue reference: BT 99/4). Within a few short minutes the plans, hopes and successes of three decades came to an end as syrens boomed out across the water, the whole poignant scene witnessed by just a few passengers braving the night wind. For the two meals a day that were provided there were six sittings, each of forty-five minutes. Four torpedoes were fired and the U-Boat followed their course. Neville Chamberlain, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, was convinced that faced with the growing competition from foreign liner companies there was not room for two big British companies acting in opposition to each other on the North Atlantic trade. Archive British Pathe film footage of the launch can be viewed by logging on to: < British Pathe The Queen launches the QUEEN ELIZABETH 1938 >, The QUEEN ELIZABETH enters the waters of the River Clyde, The crowds at John Brown's shipyard at the launch, The QUEEN ELIZABETH is towed round to the fitting-out basin at, John Brown's shipyard, following her successful launch. Archives, Open Government Licence The 5 million was released on 28th July. Queen Elizabeth was retired after her final crossing to New York, on 8 December 1968. The weather was moderate and only slight natural rolling occurred so the liner was force-rolled and the stabilisers immediately became effective. And so, on 24th June 1945, the QUEEN ELIZABETH left Gourock with her first load of returning G.I.s. Shuttle' the two. New York Mayor John Lindsay boarded the QUEEN ELIZABETH on sailing day 30th October to bid an official 'farewell'. She was there to launch the second of Cunard's superliners - the QUEEN ELIZABETH. [9] For this new tropical purpose, the ship received a major refit in 1965, with a new Lido deck added to her aft section, enhanced air conditioning, and an outdoor swimming pool. The National Maritime Museum holds 10% of agreements and crew lists for 1951-1976. Two stops would be required for refuelling and watering. Sir Percy Bates stressed that, The NORMANDIE had one edge on the QUEEN MARY in being aesthetically more pleasing through her revolutionary streamlining and lack of visible deck 'clutter'. In 1928 the Germans launched the BREMEN and the EUROPA. While being constructed in the mid-1930s by John Brown and Company at Clydebank, Scotland, the build was Some two thirds of Cunard's passengers crossed the Atlantic on holiday: hence the company's slogan, In September 1959 an announcement was made to the effect that an independent committee of three, headed by Lord Chandos, had been set up to examine the Cunard Company's proposals for replacing the ', The year 1960 proved to be another good one for Cunard. The highest number that she carried on any one voyage was 15,932 passengers and crew, but the record for the highest number ever carried in one ship goes to the QUEEN MARY with 16,683. Muster rolls for this period did not usually record the names of the whole crew but did provide: However, some lists, appearing randomly during this period, also show: There would have been calculation tables but none of these are thought to survive. Her propellers were removed and cleaned and the underwater hull cleaned and painted. (The QUEEN MARY had been ship number 534). This was known as a 'degaussing' coil. each day in the QUEEN ELIZABETH's first-class restaurant. There are a small number of log books in BT 98 and BT 99. There were only five dry docks in the world which could accommodate the Elizabeth. The QUEEN ELIZABETH off the Battery area of Manhattan as she. The QUEEN ELIZABETH was not successful as a cruise ship. Sanders Samuel Donald . WebNew York State, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1917-1967 to 1962 for NYC (fee-based - at Ancestry) Includes passenger and crew arrival lists (and some departure lists) for vessels that were filed at various ports (such as Binghamton, Buffalo, NYC, Niagara Falls, Oswego, Rochester, Syracuse, and other ports) in the state of New York. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. This 'Glee Party', as it was known, then toured the vessel deck by deck. Some 10,000 men could, perhaps, be carried in safety according to the lifeboat and liferaft capacity of the ship, but it was considered that the extra 5,000 men who were carried in summer and not provided for in the life-saving equipment were worth the risk, based on the Elizabeth's existing records of speed and reliability. [32], After the fire, Tung had one of the liner's anchors and the metal letters "Q" and "E" from the name on the bow placed in front of the office building at Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance, California, which had been intended as the headquarters of the Seawise University venture;[33][34] they later went on display with commemorative plaques in the lobby of Wall Street Plaza, 88 Pine Street, New York City. A 'Farewell Dinner' was held at sea on Sunday 3rd November and the following day the QUEEN ELIZABETH arrived back at Southampton for the last time, coming to the end of the career for which she had been designed. [16] As passenger numbers declined, the liners became uneconomic to operate in the face of rising fuel and labour costs. The new company intended to operate the ship as a hotel and tourist attraction in Port Everglades, Florida, similar to the planned use of Queen Mary in Long Beach, California. The National Archives of Australia has a large number of record series concerning ships crews and the merchant navy. They were huge sitting targets in a hostile ocean. The QUEEN ELIZABETH had an unexpected stowaway in 1959. The now retired Commodore Marr and a former chief engineer of the ship were hired by Tung as advisors for the journey to Hong Kong. From 22nd October 1945 it was the QUEEN ELIZABETH's job to repatriate thousands of Canadian soldiers. The King's Messenger was awaited as he would bring the order to sail. Breakfast was from 6.30am until 11.am; and dinner from 3.pm to 7.30pm. On 6th February 1940 he ordered that the liner should leave the Clyde at the earliest possible date and 'remain away from the British Isles for as long as this order remains in force'. Originally vetoing the idea of allowing her portrait to be hung in the ship when the liner was launched, Queen Elizabeth had now relented. The QUEEN ELIZABETH of 1938 never visited the port of Liverpool, but on her stern were the words QUEEN ELIZABETH LIVERPOOL. being transported (not for $100) in the QUEEN ELIZABETH who, in a burst of enthusiasm, said to one of the officers: "Say, why can't you British build a ship like this?" Chesney Henry. Four torpedoes were fired and the U-Boat followed their course. WebHMS Queen Elizabeth is the largest and most powerful vessel ever constructed for the Royal Navy. All these record series are indexed on theRecord Search database. Flt.Lt. The Cunard Board had decided, therefore, in view of the changing pattern of the passenger business, much of which could be attributed to political anxiety, that it would be foolish at this juncture to embark on a new capital ship. Tonnage: 83,673. For another year, her sibling did military service, returning troops and G.I. Their welcome in New York was, to say the least, tumultous. On 25th November 1935 Sir Percy Bates wrote to Swan Hunter; Vickers Armstrong; John Brown and Cammell Laird advising them that, although his Board had not reached any final decision, they might decide to build a vessel to run alongside the QUEEN MARY. Many local archives hold the records relating to their local ports. At around this time the Queen's microphone failed but with great presence of mind, Her Majesty quietly and almost unheard by those around her said: British Pathe The Queen launches the QUEEN ELIZABETH 1938. More than a year after the two 'Queens' had last met in New York, they sailed in company for the very first time in April 1941. Cunard had warned the new buyers against carrying passengers and would have nothing to do with the bookings, but nevertheless carried the blame in the eyes of the disgruntled passengers. This was designed so that the Government would assume responsibility of the risk of the ship's insurance value over and above the amount which the market could absorb. The Mercantile Marine Act of 1850 required ships masters to also keep a log book to record events on board a ship, which included seamens conduct. These essentially distinguished between ships sailing in waters around Britain (home) and those sailing further afield (foreign). Over forty years ago, in 1972, the world's largest liner, the RMS QUEEN ELIZABETH, was lying on her side in Hong Kong harbour, a burnt-out hulk. [9] These fires were set deliberately, as several blazes broke out simultaneously throughout the ship and a later court of inquiry handed down a cause of arson by person or persons unknown. This is, indeed, the very heart of a shipping city, where, standing in the windows of that building, one can see the ships of all nations passing by in procession at tide-time, almost as mundanely as the trams whose terminus is at the water's edge. Townley had previously commanded Aquitania on one voyage, and several of Cunard's smaller vessels before that. [15] GGA Image ID # 1d36e82385 Queen Elizabeth (1940) Cunard Line Built by John Brown & Co., Clydebank, Glasgow, Scotland. This left only Singapore and the QUEEN ELIZABETH would have to make two stops to take on fuel and water on her voyage from New York. Search for crew lists and agreements from 1861 to 1938 at: The National Archives search in BT 99by seamans name or ships name for records from 1881, 1891 and 1915 andby ships number for all other years. So much for the cynics who, in the early days of the war, had prophesied that the Queens would lie uselessly alongside their safe pier in New York for the duration of the war! The salvage attempt at the first suitable high tide failed and the Elizabeth had to wait until 17th April when at 8.40pm she was finally pulled off the mud. The QUEEN ELIZABETH was now equipped to carry 15,000 troops although the numbers were reduced to 12,000 in the winter months. Passenger accommodation in 1960: 800 first, 650 cabin, 700 third. Her secret sailing was under British Government regulations, so as to lessen the danger of being sunk by the Germans. When a speed of 25 knots had been reached and maintained for one hour, the escorting warships were informed that the 'engine trials' had been satisfactory and that there was no objection to their standing down. Top to bottom: the MAURETANIA, the NORMANDIE, the QUEEN MARY. I have agreed in principle." After disembarking the U.S. troops at Sydney on 6th April 1942, the QUEEN ELIZABETH remained in port for thirteen days before sailing for Fremantle on 19th April. When a speed of 25 knots had been reached and maintained for one hour, the escorting warships were informed that the 'engine trials' had been satisfactory and that there was no objection to their standing down. "The voyage, while short, will be extremely difficult for all". [9], In 1955, during an annual overhaul at Southampton, England, Queen Elizabeth was fitted with underwater fin stabilisers to smooth the ride in rough seas. Artificial flowers were tried with the result that the company was inundated with complaints and Cunard rapidly re-introduced fresh flowers at a cost (in the late 1950s) of 850 per voyage. Two fins were fitted on each side of the hull. The small vessel's skipper hoisted a flag signal: Because of a strike by New York tugboat men there was a possibility that the QUEEN ELIZABETH would be diverted to Halifax. AB. A week after her arrival at Gourock, the QUEEN ELIZABETH sailed for Suez on 17th June (via Freetown and Simonstown) with reinforcements for the British Eighth Army to help stem Rommel's advance towards the Canal. For the QUEEN ELIZABETH the war was over. To ensure that good progress was maintained during construction, the General and Shipyard Managers met all the departmental head foremen at the gangway every Friday. The QUEEN ELIZABETH approaching her wartime anchorage at the Tail of the Bank. The salvage tug RESCUE arrived on 16th February as the SEAWISE UNIVERSITY continued her southward drift through the Windward Passage into the Caribbean. For a short time the Queen Elizabeth, now under the command of Commodore Geoffrey Trippleton Marr attempted a dual role in order to become more profitable; when not plying her usual transatlantic route, which she now alternated in her sailings with the French Line's SS France, the ship cruised between New York and Nassau. BT 387 is arranged by ranges of ships names therefore you will need to browse the series. The new centrally-placed companionway is in place in this photo and there's a repaint where the ladders once were. Janette McCutcheon, The History Press Ltd (8 November 2001), RMS Queen Elizabeth Maiden Voyage after War Cunard Original footage, "Classic Liners and Cruise Ships Queen Elizabeth", "Arson Suspected as Blaze Destroys Queen Elizabeth", "On This Day: The Queen Elizabeth Mysteriously Sinks in a Hong Kong Harbor", "The Cunard - White Star Liner QUEEN ELIZABETH 1938 - 1972", "Providing Sufficient Water Depth for Kwai Tsing Container Basin and its Approach Channel Environmental Impact Assessment Report Appendix 9.3 UK Hydrographic Office Data", "The Captain's Table: The Queen Elizabeth in Torrance", "CANBERRA - The James Bond Ship - Cruising - Posters - P&O Collection", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=RMS_Queen_Elizabeth&oldid=1142394805, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Caught fire and capsized, wreck partially dismantled between 197475, rest buried under land reclamation, Briefly held the title before the preceding ship reclaimed it, This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 04:20. Cunard's attempts to introduce economies on the QUEEN ELIZABETH in the late 1950s met with fierce opposition from passengers. [37], The wreck was featured in the 1974 James Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun, as a covert headquarters for MI6. On boarding, each G.I. The installation would be the largest of its kind in a passenger liner and consisted of two sets of stabilising machinery situated in separate compartments. They are (left to right). Our research into the RMS Laconia and SS Bergensfjord, the ships that brought two members of the Gjnvik family from Norway to the United States in the early 20th century, has helped us design our site for other genealogists. Sir Percy Bates said that he liked to think that the Queens had, by their troop carrying capacities, shortened the war by a whole year. The continuing popularity of the 'Queens' was shown by the fact that they carried 110,800 passengers between them in 1960. The ships would have to run without repairs for eleven months of the year. When he asked for questions, one boy shot up his arm and asked: "How big were the frying pans?" The first-class main lounge on the QUEEN ELIZABETH. The planned several-week trip turned into months as the crew battled with boiler issues and a fire. The QUEEN MARY's arch rival on the North Atlantic - the French Line's superb NORMANDIE - was studied in detail. 534 was laid on 27th December 1930. One voyage, and several of Cunard 's superliners - the French Line 's superb NORMANDIE - studied! Cruise ship the MAURETANIA, the Beautiful Lady, 650 cabin, 700 third list., while short, will be extremely difficult for all '' earned just 3.2s.0d for a 47-hour work Infantry (. Britain ( home ) and those sailing further afield ( foreign ) of timbers! 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