She kept her end of the bargain. Asked why John Larry Ray would incorporate a stopover in St. Louis into his story, his brother replies: I guess to dramatize the book. In July 1976, David Bonadonna, the father of Fred Bonadonna, owner of Poor Freddies restaurant in the River Quay, became the first victim. The couple then took a cab to the Soulard neighborhood in South St. Louis. So hundreds of men carried a knife or had one they could get to one in an emergency. He says he warned his brother about the dangers of dealing with the Mafia: I told him dont be the one floating in the Mississippi.. Mayor Slay leaves office next week, after serving an unprecedented four terms. Kevin Horrigan, a cub reporter at the Star in 1973, remembers Maloney as an affable colleague but one who stood apart. Maloneys own artwork took awards at state and county fairs and was exhibited at a gallery in Paris. Having written it, my next problem was deciding where to send it. Dowling and bodyguard Melvin Beckman met the mystery man in Belleville, who apparently decided to shoot first. In those days the Kansas City Star printed a poem on the editorial page every day, so I mailed the poem to the Star. His defiance dashed his hopes of gaining parole and put him at odds with the prison administration for the remainder of his sentence. Rays late brother James Earl Ray pleaded guilty to Kings murder in 1969 but quickly recanted his confession. Gruenders association with these gangsters continued long after his parole. There were men in prison who were said to make more money each year from dope and gambling than the warden was paid. In late 1967, the parole board indicated the possibility of Maloneys being released early the next year. In the book, John Larry Ray asserts that his brother revealed to him that he had been ordered to shoot and kill a black soldier in postwar Germany while serving in the Army. The problems at Spectrulite began in 1957 when the foundry was owned by Dow Chemical Co. Dow processed uranium at the plant between 1957 and 1961 under a subcontract with St. Louis-based Mallinckrodt Chemical Co., which was working for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). The Department of Energy conducted the first radiological testing at the facility in March 1989, which showed elevated levels of Uranium-238 and Thorium-232. Mugshot of Mike Lacey courtesy of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Department. In 2000, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers oversaw a partial radioactive cleanup at the Spectrulite plant. Paddock Lounge Killer Reporting J.J. Maloney traded a knife for a pen, swapping a life of crime for a career in journalism. A short time later, he went to federal prison for slugging a liquor agent during a raid on a still near Collinsville. A private drive connected the bridge to South Mulberry Road. Scheduled for completion in the fall of 2003, it will be shared by East St. Louis Community College, Southern Illinois University and the Illinois Department of Employment Security. Gruender used carpentry skills acquired in prison to rehab the old farmhouse, and he showered Maloney with gifts, including a motorcycle and a shotgun. Will you make a promise (and keep it) not to try and run awayto obey the rules of the prison and try to do whatever work is assigned to you? Menn became his mentor, giving guidance and critiquing his poetry and prose. Edith was a strangely magnetic girl. He brought him to Chicago. The Riverfront Times publishes ads for the Eastside strip clubs and massage parlors every week. Hal Goldsmith, the prosecutor in the Stenger case, previously served as an Assistant U.S. attorney in East St. Louis in the 1990s, which was Bernes territory. She sent money, clothing, food, stamps and other items. The Post-Dispatch ran the photograph because Wortman had refused to tell a federal grand jury where he lived. Callow, however, is not the only link between the mayor and the radioactive waste that has plagued the region since it first began piling up as a byproduct of Mallinkcrodt Chemicals work on the Manhattan Project. He encouraged me to keep working on the poem, and asked me to stay in touch with him. They registered at the St. Francis Hotel, at Sixth and Chestnut, under the name Mr. and Mrs. John Ducharme of Jacksonville, Fla. That evening Maloney, armed with a hunting knife, robbed the clerk at another downtown hotel. Dennis W. Sonnenschein will have plenty of time to reflect on his business career over the next year. Will you make a promise (and keep it) not to try and run awayto obey the rules of the prison and try to do whatever work is assigned to you? He didnt see what kind of car his brother was driving, but he got the sense that someone was waiting for him. A sheriffs posse pursuing the fugitives heard the shots and found Moyer lying next to the body. The woman at left is Kane's secretary. Wortman was vacationing in Michigan when he was subpoenaed to appear in an investigation of the murder of J. Fred Koenig, a bookmaker who allegedly was angry that Wortman had taken over his operation. He was assigned to the Army Signal Corps School at Fort Gordon, Ga. His military career lasted just three months: He went AWOL on Nov. 3, 1959. It was the beginning of a long-term relationship carried out by correspondence. Talk about stares. Arizona authorities ruled it a suicide. He didnt bring him to St. Louis. 1 in Fulton for psychiatric observation. View the menu for Paddock Lounge and restaurants in Fitchburg, MA. All of a sudden their stories would change. Yesterday (January 1, 2004), the St. Louis area massage parlor owner reported to federal prison to begin serving a one-year sentence for misprision of a felony, a charge similar to obstruction of justice. That, of course, was back in the day, when a lifer could still aspire to being released on parole. Missouri incorporation records show that Gerhard J. Petzall, a senior partner in the politically-connected law firm of Guilfoil Petzall & Shoemake, sat on the board of directors of Spectrulite for years and continued act as an attorney for the company until 2009. James Earl Ray subsequently fled north of the border, but there is no indication that he participated in such a caper. poultry; chicken; meat . While there, he remembers, Malcolm X was murdered. On one occasion Jones accompanied him to the Three Little Pigs, an after-hours caf that was a favorite of the Mafia. Bonadonna was one of Maloneys confidential sources. Gruender used carpentry skills acquired in prison to rehab the old farmhouse, and he showered Maloney with gifts, including a motorcycle and a shotgun. A running dispute during the seven-week trial in 1962 was whether he even owned the place. Don't sit on the sidelines. Jones agreed with them. In the first installment of the series, Maloney gave a lengthy first-person account of life inside the Walls in Jefferson City. At the time of his release, he had served 13 years of a life sentence for killing a South St. Louis confectionery owner during an attempted robbery. He chain-smoked. Or you may simply say the wrong thing to the wrong person. Stelzer, a St. Louis-based freelance writer, is working on a biography of the late J.J. Maloney. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The FBI knew that the Rallo Construction Co. had alleged ties to the Chicago Mafia for decades. She was 16 and insisted she would commit suicide before she was 21, because she had a fear of not being beautiful. Arizona law enforcement authorities ruled his death a suicide. Aside from representing the mayor, Callow has also been a local spokesman for Republic Services, the giant waste disposal company that owns the radioactively-contaminated West Lake Landfill Superfund site in North St. Louis County. Maloney, I realize you have a job to dobut do you have to be so intense?. But his mother remained faithful: She never gave up. Romeos Lounge. It didnt take very long for that to happen. In the ensuing fight, the pistol fired a second time, striking Thiemann in the leg. Ray, a 75-year-old resident of Quincy, is giving media interviews in New York to promote the release of his memoir, Truth at Last, co-authored by Lyndon Barsten. They both concluded that their fears were unfounded, says John Larry Ray. He filed suit against the Department of Corrections, arguing that his constitutional rights under the First Amendment had been violated. Shopping, dining, and entertainment are all close by. Maloney sensed that the feud was about to erupt into open warfare. We are also conveniently located near shopping, dining, and entertainment options. The prison series later won the Silver Gavel Award from the American Bar Association. Its the smoking that eventually killed him. Eventually, the government charged him with income-tax evasion. The photo was taken in April 1958. Investigators developed a keener interest in the project after Buster Wortman allegedly slugged an IRS agent in the Paddock Lounge, a 429 St. Louis Avenue in East St. Louis on July 1, 1956. The time period investigated by federal prosecutors, 1994-2000, spanned the ownership change at the RFT. His stepfather, Julius Dutch Gruender, an ex-con, became Maloneys less-than-sterling guardian. The Detroit and St. Louis Mafia families are related. I was impressed that the literary editor of a famous newspaper would write to me. Maloney worked on his writing for as much as six hours every evening. (Buel White/Post-Dispatch), On March 3, 1962, six days after the jury verdict, the bodies of Elmer "Dutch" Dowling (left) and Melvin Beckman were found sprawled on the pavement of Wolf Branch School Board (now Huntwood Road), north of Belleville. . A year after his parents divorced, a hit-and-run driver killed his brother, Bobby. He was one of those guys who was constantly fidgeting, or his knee was pounding up and down. Frank L. "Buster" Wortman (December 4, 1904 - August 3, 1968) was an American St. Louis-area bootlegger, gambler, criminal gang leader, and a former member of the Shelton Brothers Gang during Prohibition.Wortman would eventually succeed the Sheltons, and take over St. Louis's gambling operations in southwest Illinois until his death. These days there are less than a dozen. He said, Youve saved my life, for the time being, anyway.. By then the Star had been bought by Capital Cities, a media chain with a history of poor labor relations. Dows work caused radioactive debris to accumulate on overhead girders where it was ignored for decades. By then, the prison-bound poet and writer had been published in numerous other venues, including Focus/Midwest, a St. Louisbased magazine founded by Charles Klotzer, publisher of the Saint Louis Journalism Review. Gruender, a housepainter, had a string of arrests and convictions for car theft and burglary dating back to 1926. Its far-flung empire stretched all the way to Las Vegas, where the KC mob oversaw the skimming of millions of dollars from casinos. In September 1983, Post staffer Ronald Lawrence reported that one of Sonnenscheins business associates was Fernando Nando Bartolotta, a made member of the St. Louis mafia family, then under the leadership of the late Matthew Trupiano. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Beneath the outward generosity, however, Gruender was an angry and hardened man who drank heavily and sometimes abused his wife and stepson. He was a gutsy little guy. His replacement, Harold R. Swenson, imposed extreme restrictions on all communications with editors and publishers to stop a book from being published by another prisoner, a notorious escapee. The current owners of the sex businesses operating on his property were not charged. The delays in communications eventually killed his deal with Random House. Menn patiently waited until 1967 before publishing one of Maloneys poems in the Star. This was the town of Tom Pendergast, one of the most powerful Mafia/machine bosses in U.S. history, Maloney wrote. He claims that his brother was then fronted an estimated $50,000. At the time of his marriage to Maloneys mother, he had only been out of the Missouri Penitentiary for a year. If the remark bothered Maloney, he didnt show it. She visited. Play "The Decider" and let your James Earl Ray worried that Kings presence in the city might somehow block his getaway plans, his brother says, and he never provided any clues about what else was making him so uneasy. John Larry Ray, a convicted bank robber, spent more than a quarter-century behind bars himself. He had his demons, says Mike Fancher, an editor who worked closely with Maloney, but I know that for the time that he worked for the Star he did some absolutely amazing work that I dont think any other journalist could have possibly done.. In her first letter, Hinkley advised Maloney to seek divine guidance, but she also offered him a more down-to-earth deal. She corresponded. But Richard Callow, the mayors longtime political consultant, does make a cameo appearance in the film. If they were surprised to hear the word "guilty," they didn't show it. In late 1967, the parole board indicated the possibility of Maloneys being released early the next year. Stelzer An earlier version of this story appeared in the St. Louis Journalism review in 2008 and Focus/midwest magazine in 2010. After the breakout, John Larry Ray says, he picked James Earl Ray up and drove him back to St. Louis. In his phone call he had asked his brother to pump OBrien for information. I was impressed. Wortman later moved into a home built upon the island, reached by a wooden bridge -- and always guarded by gunmen. Its far-flung empire stretched all the way to Las Vegas, where the KC mob oversaw the skimming of millions of dollars from casinos. Gerhard J. Petzall, a former law partner of St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay, was a director of Spectrulite Consortium Inc., which owned and operated an Eastside plant contaminated with radioactive waste. On the basis of this anecdote, co-author Barsten speculates that James Earl Ray was subjected to the CIAs behavior-modification program known as MK-Ultra. The Kansas City Mafia wielded considerable economic cloutcontrolling several banks [and] owning ten percent or more of the taverns and nightclubs in the city. Beneath the outward generosity, however, Gruender was an angry and hardened man who drank heavily and sometimes abused his wife and stepson. He is awaiting sentencing before Judge Catherine D. Perry in August. When they parted, he watched his brother walk down the back alley alone. After his fourth escape from Boonville, juvenile authorities transferred him to Algoa, the states intermediate reformatory, where his behavior worsened. Much of the authors personal knowledge of his brothers exploits is limited to involvement in James Earl Rays escape from the Missouri State Penitentiary in Jefferson City in April 1967, a year before Kings murder. Thiemann died as a result of the wounds he sustained in the fracas. That, of course, was back in the day, when a lifer could still aspire to being released on parole. Shenker got the convictions reversed. Magin was a defendant in the 1962 tax case, but was acquitted. Over the next two years, eight more mob-related murders would go down before the violence subsided. When he made the demand for money, he and Thiemann began struggling, according to the confession Maloney later gave St. Louis police. He was not from another planet, but he was from another time. (Renyold Ferguson/Post-Dispatch), Frank "Buster" Wortman in a St. Louis police mug shot in 1933, when he was 28 years old and member of the Shelton gang on the East Side. Stoneking had been a top lieutenant of East St. Louis racketeer Art Berne in the 1980s, when he was working undercover for the FBI. (Floyd Bowser/Post-Dispatch), Frank "Buster" Wortman in the federal courthouse in East St. Louis in February 1962 during his trial on income-tax charges. (Robert LaRouche/Post-Dispatch), The house that was built on the island. The jurors were dragged back for a grilling, but no one drew suspicion. Moreover, Jerry Ray, John Larry Rays surviving brother, disputed John Larrys account in a telephone interview from his home in McMinnville, Tenn., in October. In 1956, he punched an Internal Revenue Service agent in the Paddock, intensifying the agency's interest in his unusual wealth. They preferred a more cautious approach, advising that the coverage be focused more indirectly on corruption inside the citys liquor-control agency. I asked him if hed read the story, and if it had helped him any. He called me one time, asking about a gun, John Larry Ray says. St. Clair County sheriff's detective William Butler (center) and Illinois State Police detective Jerry Fitzgerald dropped by the bowling alley March 11, 1962, because Beckman's shot-up car had been found in the establishment's parking lot. We just went in there one night to sit and watch. Wortman died in a St. Louis hospital Aug. 3, 1968, at age 63 after throat surgery. Beckman's shot-up car was ditched at a bowling alley in Swansea. Maloney excelled as a feature writer but eventually became better known as an investigative journalist covering a wide range of issues, including labor racketeering, white-collar crime, drug trafficking and mental health. They drove to Kansas City together and toured the Stars editorial offices. . While absent without leave, Maloney worked briefly for a carnival in Florida before returning to Missouri. Sonnenschein was indicted because the ads drew customers and prostitutes across state lines, which is a federal crime. He drew five years, but the conviction was reversed. They drove to Kansas City together and toured the Stars editorial offices. On the basis of this anecdote, co-author Barsten speculates that James Earl Ray was subjected to the CIAs behavior-modification program known as MK-Ultra. Ray says his brother gave him approximately half the money and requested that he hold $10,000 of it in case he was arrested and needed to post bond. On Aug. 26, 1961, Maloneys girlfriend, Edith Rhodes, was murdered near Huzzah Creek in rural Crawford County, Mo. Wortman, Dowling and a third man were found guilty Feb. 26, 1962, of conspiracy to avoid income taxes. Maloneys formal education had ended in the ninth grade, but Menn recognized raw talent when he saw it. The housepainter soon introduced his young stepson to the underworld, taking Maloney with him on occasional visits to the Paddock Lounge, Wortman's bar in East St. Louis, which was a hangout for organized crime figures. He was one of those guys who was constantly fidgeting, or his knee was pounding up and down. Because of their advance legwork, Maloney, Jones and staff reporters Bill Norton and Joe Henderson uncovered developments in the midst of the mayhem sometimes before federal and local law-enforcement authorities.At one point Joe Cammisano called Maloney and said: Mr. Maloneys prison record listed him as 5-foot-9 and 145 pounds. Bonadonna disappeared in 1978, presumably into the federal witness-protection program. He died of kidney failure and complications of liver disease at Nashville Memorial Hospital on April 23, 1998. He also published two autobiographical crime novels. He had publicly refuted the Stars story simply to keep from being killed. Most are from the 1930's-1980's. This one is Condition is as pictured. He proved to be an invaluable ally. Stabbings and killings, robberies and rapes were common. There were captains on the guard force who owed their souls to certain convicts. Before the details of that caper could be hashed out, however, the Ray brothers got jittery and split for Chicago. I did what all young poets do, I tried to write a nice little rhyming solution to all the problems of the universe, he later wrote. Having been a convict, they thought he should have respected their trade a little more than he did.. Their stories ran as a four-part series in April 1973. It was like he was from another planet. You can check, if they still have the records. (Post-Dispatch), Elmer "Dutch" Dowling arriving at the federal courthouse in East St. Louis in a light rain during the trial. He died of kidney failure and complications of liver disease at Nashville Memorial Hospital on April 23, 1998. She also acted as Maloneys liaison with the outside world. Maloney ended up moving to the West Coast. Maloney was 19 years old when he committed the crime. By the time we were cellies, Joe had straightened up his act and was staying out of trouble, working on his parole. She seemed fragile and shy, yet she wasnt. He told me then that he didnt have time to go on camera for even a few minutes to talk about St. Louis longstanding radioactive waste problem. She had eloped from the state mental hospital in Fulton and gone on another crime spree, this time with a 22-year-old hoodlum from Flat River. He was Wortman's right-hand man when they were convicted together in the income-tax case in 1962. A few days later I received a letter from Thorpe Menn, literary editor of the Star, who rejected the poem but said he liked the last four lines. On Aug. 26, 1961, Maloneys girlfriend, Edith Rhodes, was murdered near Huzzah Creek in rural Crawford County, Mo. After Army service in Europe during World War II, Dowling became and ally of Wortman, then on the rise in East St. Louis. They also interviewed city and federal law-enforcement authorities and pumped confidential sources for information. He said, Youve saved my life, for the time being, anyway.. Maloney ended up moving to the West Coast. Kane, the St. Clair County coroner (fourth from left). I asked him if hed read the story, and if it had helped him any. His editors opposed the idea. A version of this story appeared in Illinois Times, April 2, 2008. By the mid-1920's he became associated with the old Shelton gang and was soon running errands for them. At the same time, dissension was brewing in the newsroom. When newspaper tycoon Mike Lacey, former owner of the St. Louis Riverfront Times, was busted for pimping in California this week, his arrest was long overdue. If you will make these promises, I will ask the warden to take you out of solitary confinement.. If you are young and good looking, you can count on being confronted again and again. Maloney moved back to Kansas City, perhaps drawn by memories of his glory days. He had publicly refuted the Stars story simply to keep from being killed. Subscribe with this special offer to keep reading, (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). Maloney expanded his connections in the literary world, writing to such luminaries as R. Buckminster Fuller, John D. MacDonald, William Buckley and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. While absent without leave, Maloney worked briefly for a carnival in Florida before returning to Missouri. voice be heard! Entering the store, he pulled a hunting knife and demanded money from Joseph F. Thiemann, the 74-year-old store owner. Otherwise, he rolled his own from pouches of Ozark-brand tobacco, manufactured and distributed for free at the Missouri Penitentiary. String of arrests and convictions for car theft and burglary dating back to Kansas City together toured... Hed read the story, and if it had helped him any Gavel Award the... Being, anyway.. Maloney ended up moving to the Three Little Pigs, an after-hours that! 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