Efficiently executed, TLPs can help commanders quickly develop a plan so that subordinates can properly prepare for and accomplish their missions. Automated document receipt and issue operations will be conducted IAW AR 710-2, AR 710-2-1, this FM/TTP, ADSM 18-L1Y-AJT-ZZZ-EM (SARSS 1), ADSM 18-L1Y-AJT-ZZZ-UM (SARSS 1), and unit SOP. If the tactical situation permits, CRTs focus on completing jobs on site. Even if a dedicated company-level training event is not possible, a typical FSC will be busy conducting multiple support missions in any given week. As a maneuver commander task organizes the force, all or part of a CRT goes with the company teams in order to maintain habitual support. 1-7. This article was published in the March-April 2017 issue of Army Sustainment magazine. The flow of reporting and repairing equipment includes the following: 7-69. Additionally, his responsibilities include leadership, discipline, tactical employment, training, administration, personnel management, supply, maintenance, communications, and sustainment activities of the company. 6-32. Once the lieutenants finish BOLD tactics, they continue with common core lessons on written communications, cultural awareness, and other officership topics. Prepared documents for shipment claims submissions. Managing, and when necessary, conducting cross training for mechanics in the FSC. The BSC or EAB for resupply assets to maintain the required quantity of materiel for push forward to the supported battalion. 6-30. The CRT and maintenance section work together on annual and semi-annual services to the FSC maintenance and service section of the FSC maintenance platoon to the maneuver company's equipment. Active TopSecret Security Clearance and valid. Each Class IX team maintains the company's PLL/combat spares for the company/HHC it is supporting. Coordinates with division/FSB support operations section for augmentation as required. Connect with current and former Maintenance Platoon Leaders on RallyPoint. 6-38. Determined the most cost-effective procedures and routes for shipments. It covers tasks previously assigned to operator/crew, organization/unit, and direct support maintenance levels. The FSC is a multi-functional unit that includes an S&T platoon and a maintenance platoon organized to provide habitual support to a maneuver Bn/TF. Figure 6-1 shows a doctrinal template on how to deploy the FSC to support their maneuver BN/TF. Conducts technical inspections of unit equipment to determine the equipment maintenance status. Your browser does not support the video tag. The platoon maintains a limited quantity of combat spares (PLL and shop stock) in the MCS. When that is not available they will use a disk to transfer data. 6-57. The MCS tracks the CFS and LTO through the "orders/request" functions in FBCB2. The CRT NCOIC sends an acknowledgment message to the maneuver company 1SG and dispatches the appropriate assets to complete the mission. Oversaw return and exchange processes from customer to supplier. Because of his technical expertise, the unit maintenance officer advises the commander and MCO on all matters pertaining to battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR). "Well, that takes care of the warning order," Capt. Gathered, logged and monitored all shipping data. This mobility provides greater flexibility for the maneuver commander. Assist the commander in developing and implementing the company team NBC training program. The department made BOLD tactics three weeks long and moved unit-specific platoon leader tasks to the lieutenants' first assigned unit. Human Services Counseling Executive Leadership. Coordinates supply and service distribution with division/FSB support operation and the maneuver BN/TF. In order to extend the reach of support and enable the lethality of the warfighter, lieutenants have to understand the operation that they are supporting, the purpose behind the support operations, and the sustainment nodes at each echelon. Centralized support allows the FSB commander to cross-level between FSCs and weight the battle logistically, or surge, as required. Monitor company team activities and/or the tactical situation; anticipate and report logistical requirements using FBCB2; and coordinate and monitor the status of the company's logistics requests. Maintenance platoon leader 4-10, page 15 Maintenance technician 4-11, page 15 Maintenance control supervisor 4-12, page 15 Brigade support battalion field maintenance company operations 4-13, page 16 Support operation's readiness division officer in charge 4-14, page 16 That NBC factors are incorporated as a condition in the performance of METL tasks. Maintenance at the platoon and squad level comprises thorough preventive . 6-31. The MCO task organizes the maintenance platoon based on analysis of current and anticipated mission requirements. He will: Accomplish all missions assigned to the FSC in accordance with the FSB commander's intent and will support the BN/TF commander's scheme of maneuver with CSS. In a recent end-of-rotation AAR at JMRC, three junior noncommissioned officers (NCOs) stated that when FSCs fail to conduct proper TLPs, subordinates become confused about why missions are ordered at the last minute. The point here is to enforce the now standardized company planning process and templates and to ensure every leader is completely comfortable with them. Communicated with dispatchers, warehouses and customers regarding outgoing orders. This analysis helps to determine how the FSC fits into the brigade's mission. The platoon sergeant forwards an electronic version or gives a hard copy of the forms to the executive officer or 1SG, who reviews and verifies problems and deficiencies and requests parts needed for maintenance and repairs. Capt. Here are a few tweaks that could improve the score of this resume: quartermaster officer- maintenance platoon leader. He is concerned with providing the appropriate support at the UMCP and forward. Transportation Logistics Coordinator knowledgeable about logistics analysis, scheduling and inventory management. The FSC maintenance platoon coordinates backup and pass-back maintenance requirements with the FSC support operations. He has a bachelor's degree from the College of William and Mary. 6-24. The PSG executes the support mission of the platoon in concert with the concept of support, the operations order and platoon leader's guidance. The MCS inputs this information into ULLS-G. As the task force is task organized, CRTs with associated ULLS-G boxes move with supported units in order to maintain habitual support to the company. The HHC XO provides operational liaison, support and advice to the FSC commander. While the subordinate units issue their WARNORDs, the FSC first sergeant would begin determining logistics considerations for the upcoming mission. The course caps off its functional training by testing students in a comprehensive field exercise called Operation Overland. Qualify 90% of all Soldiers on Individual and Crew Served Weapons 2. Good platoon leaders must enforce Army standards for readiness and cleanliness consistently and equitably to maintain discipline and respect and hold troops accountable. Repairs should be made as far forward as possible. The platoon leader leads his Soldiers by personal example and is responsible for all the platoon does or fails to do, having complete authority over his subordinates. The platoon leader must develop and enforce the unit sleep plan that provides Soldiers with a minimum of 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a 24-hour . The maintenance of weapons and equipment is continuous. Capt. Good mission analysis, even at the company and platoon levels, makes it easy to determine the right course of action. This is because of the pressure to support the battalion's primary training priorities (such as the mortar training and evaluation program, platoon live fires, and company combined arms live fires). Increase unit strength from 70% to 85% 7. Coordinates aerial resupply for critical items. Commanders should regularly conduct TLPs at the company level with the company orders group. Finally, subordinate units have a deeper understanding of the commander's intent and are able to begin parallel planning much sooner. The FSC commander could then lead the orders group through a detailed mission analysis based on mission variables. Wingit visits the battalion's maintenance collection point, a parts clerk from the maintenance platoon politely reminds him that a high-priority part is still waiting to be pushed out on the next LOGPAC. This WARNORD should consist of key information to allow subordinates to begin their own planning and preparation. Coordinating the activities of the inspectors and maintenance personnel to ensure adherence to the maintenance standard. With the introduction of GCSS-Army, maintenance functionality will be consolidated in the maintenance module. 6-41. Well-versed in materials management and inventory reconciliation. Developing a training and cross-training plan for maintenance personnel. Army Sustainment serves as the Army's professional bulletin for the sustainment warfighting function, including . At the end of Common Log, all of the branches dive deep into their own functional skills. Recommend. Coordinates and monitors the movement of replenishment stocks and services for the FSC. When a piece of equipment is damaged, it should be inspected to see if it can be repaired on the spot. The goal of field maintenance is to repair and return equipment to the Soldier. 6-22. This mission includes DS supply, field maintenance, and the coordination of transportation and field services. This section is also responsible for providing organizational services on the equipment organic to the FSC and the maneuver battalion HHC, and assists the CRTs in completing the services for the maneuver companies. Provide retail Class III(B) unit distribution to BN/TF maneuver units and supply point to TFSA units. Tracks available assets through subordinate companies, the FSB support operations, Bn/TF S4, and other customers. The best FSC commanders observed at JMRC are those who are able to discern which tasks they can delegate and which they cannot. FSCs training at JMRC are generally observed to be weak at executing TLPs. Army Sustainment - Army Sustainment (ISSN 2153-5973) is a quarterly publication, prepared at the Army Logistics University and published by the Army Combined Arms Support Command, Fort Lee, Virginia, for the Department of the Army. 6-29. Intensively manages non-mission capable (NMC) high priority jobs and pacing items. 6-33. The graphics that are expected to be present on everyone's maps should be described in the SOP. The BN/TF commander is the approval authority for controlled exchange actions. Ensure all eligible soldiers take APFT, HT/WT, and weapons QUAL6. Upon notification, the section NCOIC acknowledges the LTO. Coordinates retrograde of equipment and supplies with the FSB support operations officer or FSB movements NCO. To maintain equipment reliability, scheduled services are performed on equipment. Wingit sips on his morning coffee at the battalion's field trains command post (FTCP). Ideally, FSCs should practice TLPs in conditions as similar to combat as possible. 6-16. This physical location on the ground where the support operations tracked vehicle co-locates with the maneuver BN/TF tracked vehicle is called the combat trains command post (CTCP). The MCS receives calls for support (CFS) and logistics task order (LTO) messages through FBCB2. To overcome the first assignment hurdle faced by new quartermaster (QM), ordnance (OD), and transportation (TC) lieutenants, the commanding general of the Combined Arms Support Command directed that each logistics BOLC teach the basics of all logistics branches. This program, codified in a company-level SOP, will help train new arrivals to understand company standards. The FSC support operations personnel are responsible for a myriad of tasks, including the following: Coordinates and provides technical supervision for the support unit's CSS mission. 6-42. Coordinates supplemental transportation in support of the BN/TF. 6-35. Advises staff and commander on matters of maintenance and material readiness. 6-13. Assists in planing, rehearsing, and supervising key logistical actions in support of the tactical mission. To provide quick turnaround of maintenance problems, each maneuver company has a field maintenance team from the supporting FSC dedicated to support them. The support operations duties include the following: Ensure accurate, timely tactical reports are sent to the FSC CP. 6-12. Reviewing and evaluating operator/crew preventive maintenance checks and services on platoon equipment. He coordinates all supply requirements and actions with the 1SG and the support operations officer. 6-8. When the FSC exceeds its organic recovery capability, the FSC support operations section requests assistance through the FSB support operations section by forwarding the original CFS by FBCB2. Samantha L. SmayFebruary 27, 2017. The first week of BOLD tactics focuses on weapons qualification, grenade familiarization, and land navigation. The MCS uses three management tools: SAMS, ULLS-G, and FBCB2. In addition, he normally assists the supply sergeant in his duties. Send 3 Soldiers to NCOES Training: 1. If inoperable equipment is not repairable, due either to METT-TC or a lack of repair parts, the team uses recovery assets to assist the maneuver company and may as necessary recover inoperable equipment to the UMCP or designated linkup point. We need to start building and developing these leaders at BOLC. Managed shipment schedules to maximize productivity and cut costs. During combat, the maintenance platoon's first priority is to reinforce the CRT's mission. Second Lts. Sample planning timelines and key events that must happen within that time line should also be included. The battalion was unable to issue a warning order (WARNORD) because of the time constraints of the upcoming mission. Cultivated a positive rapport with fellow employees to boost company morale and promote employee retention. Russell J. Baker is the FSC observer, coach, trainer for the Timberwolf maneuver training team at JMRC in Hohenfels, Germany. Transmit call for support (CFS) for immediate resupply for Class III/IV/V or recovery missions using FBCB2 (as required). 6-6. Coordinates critical parts status with division/FSB support operations officer. Establish limited storage, receipt and issue facility for all supported commodities. It distributes prepackaged and/or prepared food. The vehicle commanders conveyed that few Soldiers understood their task and purpose. Those FSCs that do simply go through the motions without a firm understanding of why they are doing so or what the outcome should be. The AMSS replaces manual readiness reporting on the front-side of DA Form 2406. Coordinate, monitor, and supervise decontamination operations. The orders group technique allows the commander to focus his time and effort on understanding the company's role in the overall fight. 7-71. As second in command, he must understand both the support operations and the non-CSS functions of the forward support company. This ensures the maintenance platoon maintains asset visibility and tactical as well as CSS situational awareness. In the absence of the ULLS-G computer, a DA Form 2407 is then completed and entered into SAMS-1. Requests and coordinates if required. He must be proficient in the tactical employment of the company and its assigned and attached CSS elements. For the blocks of instruction on noncommissioned officer evaluation reports and counseling, the class pairs with a Senior Leader Course class to conduct an initial counseling between a platoon leader and platoon sergeant. Upon completion of Recruit Training, Sergeant Major Leader reported to the School of Infantry at Camp Geiger, NC to receive combat skills training and proceeded to MOS training at Ft Leonard Wood, MO for the basic Heavy Equipment Operations Course, graduating top of his class and receiving meritorious . Inoperative equipment is fixed as far forward as possible. Wingit thinks to himself. The platoon performs on-system maintenance. They assemble their logistics packages (LOGPACS) and then move their vehicles forward to the company logistics release point (LRP). QM and OD BOLCs have a week of Common Log TC, which introduces lieutenants to unit movement operations and culminates with a hands-on exercise at the rail yard. Our Army does not need lieutenants who are experienced in only one branch. Responsible for the evacuation of soldiers killed in action to the supporting graves registration collection point. Monitors daily battle loss reports to anticipate Class VII requirements. OD students have a week of instruction on maintenance, a week on the use of Global Combat Support System--Army in maintenance operations, a week on ammunition, and a week on ammunition supply point site selection. Platoon leaders ensure vehicles (if equipped) crews and equipment operators perform PMCS. The FSC executive officer would create an initial planning time line, balancing key company events against anticipated higher headquarters, operational, and enemy activities. Process and disseminate information on enemy and friendly NBC capabilities and activities, including attacks. Casualties are evacuated by track ambulance to the casualty collection point (CCP), consolidated, and further evacuated back to an ambulance exchange point (AXP). Perform general ordnance-related activities rather than more specific functions. Besides operator maintenance, selected Soldiers are trained to perform limited maintenance on damaged weapons and battle damage assessment and repair. In the brigade support area, required repair parts are packaged for delivery during the next scheduled resupply or through emergency resupply means. The MCS checks the status of the maintenance and service/recovery section and the remaining CRTs to support the mission. While performing services, the mechanic completes a DA Form 5988-E and turns it into the ULLS-G operator within MCS. The unit SOP should detail when maintenance is performed, to what standards, and who inspects it. If an FSC commander feels confident in his unit's ability to rapidly produce mission orders, it is highly recommended that he request an external evaluation by either the battalion operations officer or brigade support battalion executive officer. The first thing to understand is that a commander (or any leader for that matter) should focus on accomplishing those things that only he can accomplish. The distribution platoon leader could enforce TLPs before every ammunition draw, delivery, or turn-in. The way platoon leaders and sergeants work together as a team can cause the success or failure of companies, battalions, brigades, and divisions. Quartermaster Officer- Maintenance Platoon Leader Burger King Corporation - Honea Path, SC, United States 2LT/0-1, 3rd Battalion 429th Fox Maintenance Company Lead and supervise 40 soldiers Plan, organize, and supervise all Battalion service maintenance on vehicles, weapons, and equipment Vital role in Comet Inspection passing rate of 98% Supervised the work of 48transportation personnel. The distribution platoon leader quickly jots down the commander's comments but doesn't notice that the. He supervises the company headquarters personnel and coordinates assigned missions with subordinate elements. Updated the database with changes in carrier status. Functional Training. Fund The Force - Commercial Vendor Services. Maintenance includes inspecting, testing, servicing, repairing, requisitioning, recovering, and evacuating vehicles and equipment. First, logistics leaders simply have not been exposed to the same intense, small-unit-focused schools and exercises as their combat arms peers. He must be flexible, using sound judgment to make correct decisions quickly and at the right time based on the higher commander's intent and the tactical situation. Jun 27, 2016 - O1 - Army - Second Lieutenant in Stephenville, TX. The WARNORD kicks off a series of actions similar to a battle drill to enable the rapid production of the company OPORD. She is a graduate of the OD Basic Course and the Logistics Captains Career Course. The recovery section responds with an acknowledgment message. 7-76. 6-9. The platoon leader, platoon sergeant, and squad leaders must understand maintenance for every piece of equipment in the platoon. The teamwork that is necessary to produce an OPORD creates a sense of ownership in the plan and helps subordinates visualize the upcoming mission. She holds a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the United States Military Academy. Oversees all quality control inspections and inspectors to validate their capability to identify improper repairs and scheduled services. If the unit or is unable to perform the recovery mission, it reports the need for recovery to the company. Class I is provided by the food service section. If the repair parts are not on hand at the MCS, they are ordered through ULLS-G (organizational parts) or SAMS (direct support parts). When his first sergeant enters the tent, Capt. When the CRT recovery assets are not available to perform the recovery mission, the company/team 1SG sends a CFS to the FSC support operations section. Recommends allocation of maintenance assets in coordination with company commanders and UMOs. Platoon Leaders are their heads who motivate and inspire them to complete a mission. Developing the maintenance services plan for BN/TF equipment. When the LTO is accepted, the maintenance section NCOIC uses FBCB2 to synchronize/coordinate mission support and sends a mechanic to repair the vehicle. The electronic versions of the forms are consolidated at company level and then transmitted to the battalion and its supporting combat repair team. members. These components can include line replaceable units (LRU), major assemblies, or other sub-components. Assists in the development and updating of the field maintenance SOP as it pertains to the conduct of field level maintenance operations. 6-14. It also provides exchange of reparable items. The maintenance platoon headquarters section provides command, control, and supervision for all administrative functions of the platoon. By failing to execute TLPs, FSC commanders are risking a lot more than simply mission accomplishment. The NBC NCO assists and advises the company commander in planning for and conducting operations in an NBC environment. The CRT opens a DS job by completing a DA Form 2407 after the equipment is repaired. 6-11. The armored and mechanized infantry maneuver BN/TF's first level of support comes from the FSC CRTs which are organized to provide field maintenance (organizational and direct support maintenance levels) for all combat platforms organic to maneuver companies. First Lieutenant (1LT) asks Capt. The HDC for water distribution to the FSC. Advise the commander on contamination avoidance measures. Wingit informs him of the new mission and orders him to let the distribution platoon know that it will have to kick out a logistics package (LOGPAC) to a new logistics release point sometime today. If the mechanic does not have the necessary combat spares on hand, he sends a message to the MCS via FBCB2 requesting additional repair parts. Maj. Michael Weimer selected as 17th Sergeant Major of the Army, Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center Media Roundtable, October 27, 2022, US Army Training and Doctrine Command updates Army capstone doctrine, codifying shift to multidomain operations, U.S. Army releases its Climate Strategy Implementation Plan, Fort Bragg set to host first-ever US Army Best Squad Competition, Army to delay transition period ahead of IPPS-A Release 3, Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff of the Army Memorandum on Recruiting, Army Establishes two new Initiatives to Combat Harmful Behaviors, U.S. Army STAND-TO! The more echelons that are used, the more synchronization is required. Maintenance at the platoon and squad level comprises thorough preventive maintenance checks and services and accurate reporting of maintenance problems to the company. The MCO uses ULLS-G to produce the Army materiel status system (AMSS) readiness reports. TC 25-30 LONG-RANGE PLANNING Monitors activities within BN/TF for compliance with the BN/TF service support annex. If the repair part arrives in a timely manner, the vehicle is repaired on-site or at the UMCP. The headquarters section could produce an order for the company's next physical fitness test. maintenance on rolling stock on "Move" weeks, or shift gears and execute maintenance on shoot or communicate category equipment as per the six-week plan. Shortcoming/deficiencies are corrected immediately unless parts are required at which time parts are placed on order through ULLS-G or SAMS-1. The best way to ensure a common standard in the planning process is to create and use standard operating procedures (SOP). A doctrinal template on how to deploy the FSC maintenance platoon based on mission variables company logistics release point LRP... 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