The current landscape is living research document that helps teams understand the feasibility and viability of their ideas by answering three critical questions: The information required to address these questions must be identified and collected prior to the workshop, as it will be discussed early in the day and referenced repeatedly throughout. We'll get into what these look like in practice a little later on, but first let's take a look at what they mean in theory and why they're important to the Design Thinking process . While you can expect a lot of discussion here, preparing an initial list of key performance indicators is a helpful starting point. Ground rules are monitored by the whole group, for the group. Ready to run a great workshop? It is often useful to suggest questions that participants might wish to use, and give examples of open questions. Because the. Well finish this exercise with a selection of ideas to bring through and prototype. Essentially, a Design Thinking workshop seeks to create solutions to challenges facing the business. Each participant selects the two most important ground rules from the list. If there is time, you can create an exercise to develop questions from closed statements and assumptions, into open questions that dont lead the person. Well walk you through the key stages of the template and offer some tips to help you along the way. Identify your skills, refine your portfolio, and attract the right employers. Then theyll add desires and pain-points for each step in the users journey, based on the one solution they decided on previously. Lets get started. Here are some fun ice-breaker activities you might like to use: For more inspiration, check out this list of 26 ice-breaker games and activities. After reviewing decisions, end with a project roadmap to place the workshop in context. When tackling this somewhat tricky task, there are two golden rules to bear in mind: It might be tempting to cram in as much as possible, but the workshop will just end up feeling rushedwhich is not conducive to creativity! So, to not paraphrase what is already out there, I sat down with my partner in workshops,and we established a list of our key tips. To innovate and win, companies need design thinking., Roger L. Martin,The Design of Business: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage (2009). Consider the following list of sections as inspiration for what to include in your post-workshop documentation: When it comes to communicating complex ideas quickly, having a library of visualization techniques on hand is critical. Fortunately, there are plenty of online tools to make your life easier when you need to facilitate a meeting and lead workshops. There are many tactics to facilitate a workshop, which are all well documented in the many books that have been written on the subject (shoutout to. A Design Thinking workshop is a hands-on, activity-based session built around the Design Thinking process. 9 Ground Rules for Retrospectives. ), How to run the design thinking for beginners workshop, How baking a cake can explain design thinking, A step-by-step guide to planning a workshop, An honest* guide to facilitating hybrid events. To introduce the process of Design Thinking using a real-world design challenge: How might we improve the user experience for LoveFoundry customers? It includes detailed logistics and clearly outline the intentions of the workshop and its desired outcomes. Plan to facilitate several short rounds of brainstorming and open discussion before a unifying statement can be arrived at. It's a process that is designed to encourage creative problem solving and innovation from each member of the group in order to address business challenges. If you end up having the time to do them, they will be incredible team-building moments amongst the participants. If working with several personas, consider breaking out into smaller groups focused on one persona. In this section of the workshop, participants will turn the steps from their user journey maps into digital screens for an app. This will allow the project to obtain greater internal support, since all the stakeholders will have been involved from the get-go. With your objectives in mind, you can begin the planning process. By the end of this session, you and your team need to have settled on one solution. For the empathise phase of the workshop, youll encourage participants to step into the users shoes and really think about what they need from the product. Every workshop should have ground rules. Summaries can be shared early in the session to quickly level-set, while raw data can be referenced during activities or decision making. BE CLEAR: this rule applies to any project, but it is particularly important for a workshop considering the limited allocated time. Now for the most crucial part: planning your workshop agenda. To conclude, I wanted to give you one last little tip as a bonus. Reflection and discussion (10 minutes): As a group, discuss what youve learned so far. You might break the ideation phase up as follows: Now youll introduce a key UX design tool into the mix: user journey maps. What ideation technique will the group be using today, and how does it work? Nurture your inner tech pro with personalized guidance from not one, but two industry experts. Step 2. As a designer, incorporating Design Thinking into your process will help you to quickly come up with viable, user-centric solutionsultimately resulting in a quicker time-to-market, improved customer retention, significant cost savings, and a great ROI. However, if youre new to the practice, getting to grips with everything you need to know, not to mention running your first Design Thinking workshop, can be nothing short of terrifying.. This might be a good time to share some interesting statsfor example: teams that are applying IBMs Design Thinking practices have, A real-world Design Thinking case study, such as, Presentation (10 minutes): What is empathy? At the moment, this is a rather broad question. How to run the design thinking for beginners workshop How baking a cake can explain design thinking Step 1: Empathize Step 2: Define Step 3: Ideate Step 4: Prototype Step 5: Test Tips for teaching design thinking How to run the design thinking for beginners workshop Sharing user journey maps, reflection and discussion (10 minutes): At the end of the ideation phase, put ten minutes aside for presenting and reflecting on all the user journey maps created. Through the idea vault process, we are narrowing our ideas down by asking a series of questions that relate to the feasibility of the design, and if it truly meets our Personas needs. Later on, youll narrow the design challenge down as part of the workshop itself. The key is to deliver interesting, relevant content, followed by a practical exercise and then group discussion. Without user personas, its very difficult to align on a shared perspective of the people who will experience the solution. When introducing design thinking to a group, the best place to start is by answering the question, what is design thinking? Always one to evangelize and advocate open thinking when it comes to 'Digital Experience Design', and having played a gamut of roles from being a 'Multimedia Designer' since 2004, to being a . Well look at what to include in your workshop agenda in phase two of this guide a little further down. Unlike virtual workshop ground rules (in which one person is usually the lead), team meetings usually require everyone to operate as a peer. Someone might eat a cupcake every other day. The digital tools you employ will make all the difference to the success of your digital Design Thinking workshop. She has spent the last seven years working in tech startups, immersed in the world of UX and design thinking. What you want are thought starters, not solutions. A Design Thinking workshop is a collaborative session that is focused on the five phases of Design Thinking. you might ask yourself. Continuing with the example of LoveFoundry, our imaginary online dating service, lets consider how you might construct the empathise phase. The simplest way to introduce the Empathize stage is often by reminding everyone that design thinking is human-centered and that we are always seeking to understand our end users needs. Reflection and discussion (5 minutes): As a group, discuss what youve learned from the ideation phase so far. In our presentation at the beginning of the workshop, we outline some ways in which we might prototype our cake; As we are going for the simplest options in our workshop, we have suggested that the teams draw visual representations, adding possible recipe ingredients and flavors which they will then present to the end-user for testing. Open a new workshop calendar (ex. Its also an effective way to engage participants and get them thinking about user needs, budgets, resources and other vital elements of the design thinking process. Encourage participants to use one piece of paper per screen; this way, they wont need to start over completely if one goes slightly wrong. Why, or why not? quality of your facilitation during the workshop is a determining factor of the success of your project and of your clients satisfaction. For details about the different steps and activities involved, see the Design Thinking process guide. There are many ways to create a fun atmosphere: choose dynamic icebreaker activities, create moments of friendly competition between the teams (with prizes to be won), put music on during break times, or even, in the case of a workshop lasting several days, plan an activity as a break from the workshop agenda to strengthen team ties. Go over the benefits, give examples of successful workshops, and leave a few minutes at the end for any questions or clarifications needed from the group about the process.. The level of detail you decide to document your workshop with should be based on the scale of your project short Design Thinking sessions with a core team dont require the same level of scrutiny as larger projects with extended teams who meet infrequently. In the introduction, its very useful to frame the Design Thinking process as a. Make a note of these answers so that your workshops continue to improve steadily over time., Heres a shortlist of what to keep in mind at all times while running your Design Thinking workshop!. First, lets explore the problem at the heart of this workshop design, which is baking a cake! Select those that are appropriate to your group's needs. If your workshop takes place over several days, take the time necessary at the end of each day to write down the big ideas of the day. Define, Ideate), Select 1-2 activities to support each step (15 min 3 hr), High-level summary including objective and outcomes, Pre-workshop assignment (ex. Presentation (10 minutes): What is a user journey map? Purpose . Sharing relevant inspiration is an effective way to build a collaborative atmosphere while bringing fresh perspectives into workshops. A prototype is used to test at an early stage, gather feedback and simulate a user experience. Phases should be labelled from the users perspective. Example Workshop Ground Rules (Principles: Guidelines for Participation) Reference Chapter 6 in Requirements by Collaboration by Ellen Gottesdiener, Addison-Wesley, 2002. This might also be balanced with our budget and our time. Well yes, you must: Okay, but then "how can I be all of this at once?" A user journey map is a visual representation of the process that a user goes through in order to accomplish a specific goal. Let's have fun in our workshops and work will become a game. Common design thinking activities include user stories, user journey maps, sketching, storyboards and paper prototypes. Lets find out. As a participant in a Design Thinking workshop, you are responsible for arriving in the right design thinking mindset. Location: A good environment supports great conversation. Aside from comfortable seating and good lighting, you can create a relaxed environment by playing some background music. Encourage Wild Ideas: Embrace the most out-of-the-box notions. 1 day, 9:00 AM 5:00 PM), Add time for introductions, lunch and breaks (15 to 60 min), Identify Design Thinking steps for each block (ex. After sharing the design context, invite participants to challenge and discuss the existing user personas. But even with the best intentions, its not sufficient to simply bring a group of people together and expect a great team to form on its own. Our career-change programs are designed to take you from beginner to pro in your tech careerwith personalized support every step of the way. Do you sometimes feel that the good old pen and paper or MS Office toolkit and email leaves you struggling to stay on top of managing and delivering your workshop? We then create two teams, ensuring that the chosen Persona profiles are on opposite teams and are designed for one another. In our design thinking for beginners guide, we explore how you can introduce design thinking by asking a group to solve the simple challenge of baking a cake. But how can we make it easier for newbies to grasp the five stages of the design thinking process and see how they can apply them in their day-to-day work? The benefits of Design Thinking. This might seem obvious by now, but in the excitement of the workshop, its easy to forget who this is really for! Workshops can deliver on one or more of these objectives, depending on how long they run (and how well you prepare). Defer Judgment: Creative spaces are judgment-free zonesthey let ideas flow so people can build from each other's great ideas. For example: Downloads the app, creates an account, uploads a profile photo, browses through potential matches, receives a match, sends a message. They bring together a diverse group of people from different departments and provide a rare opportunity to get hands-on with the problem. 14 Ground Rules for Workshops. Part of the workshop will be dedicated to building low-fidelity prototypes, for which youll need a good selection of materials. But they get disappointing results. Design thinking is unique in its focus on user-centric problem-solving: you're not just coming up with ideas that could benefit the business, but rather, taking a rare opportunity to really step into your users' shoes and understand them on a deeper level. In this guide, well explore how to introduce design thinking to beginners with a workshop that uses the analogy of baking a cake. We ask the group to consider different types of cake to demonstrate the scale of our problem: a cupcake, a birthday cake and a wedding cake. This can be a brief presentation covering the following points: By now, youve set the scene and put everybody at ease. Get the group to spend another ten minutes brainstorming as many ideas as possible. What did the team learn? Become a qualified UX designer in just 5-10 monthscomplete with a job guarantee. Design Thinking has five steps: empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping, and testing. With your agenda in place, you should now have a good idea of what youll need for the workshop. A Design Thinking workshop is a collaborative session that is focused on the five phases of Design Thinking. What goals are we missing? It is relatively affordable, perhaps a mid-range cost if its for a milestone birthday, or a low-cost supermarket purchase for a low-key, informal celebration. Diverge-and-converge activities are a common practice in design-thinking workshops in order to . For example: The step browses through potential matches could be propelled by the user goal of wanting to meet new people. Design Thinking is also known as Human Centered Design. As explained by the Nielsen Norman Group, a journey map is a visualization of the process that a person goes through in order to accomplish a goal. Obviously, this ratio can be adapted according to the complexity and your level of familiarity with the subject. Define, Ideate) Select 1-2 activities to support each step (15 min - 3 hr) End with a recap and next steps (30 min) Weve divided this guide into two phases: how to plan and prepare for your Design Thinking workshop, followed by how to actually conduct the workshop. Indeed, Design Thinking can be applied to all areas of business, and a Design Thinking workshop can therefore be useful for everyonefrom marketing, product, and sales, right through to the C-level. Design Thinking has become an extremely popular approach to problem-solvingnot only among designers, but across all areas of business. Has everybody identified similar user needs, or is there lots of variety? Activityrefining your solution (10 minutes): Incorporating what theyve learned about the user and the feedback they received on their initial ideas, its time for the Design Thinkers to pull everything into one single solution. However, Design Thinking workshops arent just for designers; they are also increasingly used to teach professionals how to innovate and problem-solve. the mobile screen) that would be needed for this step. Design Thinking is a process or strategy for developing design concepts and solving problems that centers around the product's user and their needs. In this module, we will consider a range of tools to help design thinkers understand problems: surveys, statistics, interviews, five whys and so whats, user roleplays, analogous empathy, empathy maps, customer journeys, and value chain analysis. Note the inspiration doesnt have to be apples to apples with your current project. The five phases of Design Thinking are: Its worth noting that before you approach the five stages of design thinking, its always helpful to consider the scale of the problem and as a group, accept the project. A Design Thinking workshop is facilitated meeting where multi-disciplinary teams plan and prototype user-centered designs. Feel free to mix up ideas that will keep your workshop engaging! Perhaps there is already a product in the prototype phase, and you use the tools from the Empathize stage to find out more from your users as they test the product. the stakes, the business objectives and your client's needs will make you not only a relevant facilitator, but a good facilitator. If your activity requires it, you can also designate a person in each team who will be responsible for formalizing the group's work on a computer. Reflection and discussion (10 minutes): As a group, discuss what youve learned so far. You can learn about different ideation techniques in this comprehensive guide to ideation in Design Thinking. Whether brand new to the idea or a design professional, this way of thinking and collaborating, can often give us innovative, surprising and ground-breaking solutions to the challenges we face every day. Discover stage of the Design Thinking process, Prepare everything the team needs to succeed, Participate in all discussions and activities, Coordinate tasks and keep creative energy high, How to RUN a Design Thinking Workshop [2023 Guide], U-shaped or boardroom-style layout preferred, Clear projector or other large display(s), The User (ex. Provide them with some starter questions, such as: How would you describe your most recent experience with online dating? Designed for a very special occasion, the cake will often be custom-made. Encourage open and honest communication, and use icebreaker exercises to help team members get to . These workshops constitute several activities that provide a solid ground for co-creation, collaboration, and team effort. Create a crossfunctional team of allies who can help you advertise the process and build buy-in for your recommendations. This is also a good time for questions. Create a space where everyone can have their voice heard, and where no question is a stupid question. What data was used to inform them? Each tools has its own strengths (flexibility, integrations) and weaknesses (learning curve, limitations), but all provide a shared canvas and simplify data collection. Thus, a workshop expected to deliver on all four objectives should likely run for 2 days or longer, if the team is new or have never solved together before. This step is all about gathering useful feedback: Are the ideas good? So how do you go about setting up and facilitating a Design Thinking workshop? What went well? Make sure you create a meaningful experience for them and there is a good chance that the workshop will be a success and that the opportunity will arise again. And where no question is a user journey maps into digital screens an! Service, lets explore the problem at the moment, this is a starting. 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